Dominique Schmidt is the author of several books on the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the teachings of Krishnamurti, as well as articles published in journals “3ème Millénaire“, “Le journal du Yoga“, le “Bulletin de l’USF”, et le “journal New Race”. The portraits of Krishnamurti and Sri Aurobindo illustrating the books dedicated to these two sages are the work of d’Angelique.

A New Humanity according to Sri Aurobindo and J. Krishnamurti – 2019

An infinity of being makes us dream, yet according to Sri Aurobindo, it is the real potential that lies within each of us. 
Dominique Schmidt proposes a striking partnership between the thoughts of Sri Aurobindo and J. Krishnamurti, two forces as powerful as each other, to transform the individual through different but complementary insights.
It is now time to live the adventure of consciousness: the ‘I’ must be surpassed.

( 18 € )

Books available from the author. Contact him by email ( or phone (07 62 51 69 40). Shipping costs are €5 per book for both France and abroad.