Unity Through Conformity Vs. Uniqueness and Universality

A more comprehensive, holistic vision of life includes the lesser views. It puts forth the proper significance and value of all its aspects that a diminished or limited perception cannot comprehend.

Chaos exists at one level of reality-clashing forces of desire and ideas. In a global cosmic perception, reality is order and harmony, desire becomes love, and ideas are pure intelligence. …

Spiritual Awakening and Enlightenment according to Sri Aurobindo and J. Krishnamurti

Sri Aurobindo and J. Krishnamurti are two of the most important contemporary sages of our time. They have opened a new path towards self-transformation and genuine spiritual awakening. Their message, addressed to each one of us, gives a new direction for the third millennium. They challenge our present psychological make-up centered on the ego and each in his own unique fashion, …

The Luminous Quest

Krishnamurti, in a discussion with physicist David Bohm, confided that it was not he who meditated, but the universe itself within him. He then spoke of the idea that the universe itself was in meditation! “Learning” would then be the ability to allow the universe to penetrate into our consciousness, so that it directly reveals the truths that are impenetrable to thought. …